Monday, June 25, 2012

Your main weapon: Your mind!

When you think about the greatest person for something particular like Basketball: Jordan, Golf: Tiger Woods, Hockey: Wayne Gretsky, Bodybuilding: Arnold Schwarzenegger and so on and so forth, you see their success because of their accomplishments and how they look presently. Underneath all those things, hidden behind those countless trophies and medals is a story. Stories of failures turned into success, when you see Michael Jordan you see his 6 rings of championships his MVP trophies and all his success but you see he has failed a lot early in life. He tried and tried to beat his older brother in a backyard basketball game and failed miserably. With that story he is a loser but underneath all those losses he is a winner in his mind because he refused to quit, he believed that if he can beat his brother he will be the best in the world! And indeed he was. Jordan was never the best player in his student years but in his mind he was, he never stopped practicing, he still shoots balls when his teammates are on the way home. When his dad calls him home from their backyard he tells his dad "just one more shot pop!". From then he has always wanted the last shot, the game winning shot, he is very confident on his shot to win the game.

 Tiger Woods is just the wrong combination of a person in his sport during his humble beginnings. He is both black and Asian in a white dominated sport, Michael Jordan even at the height of his fame in the 90s during offseason plays golf intensely but was being discriminated in some golf clubs because he is black. Imagine Tiger Woods from early in his career as a golf prodigy versus a white dominated sport there will always be challenges but Tiger's play has inspired and motivated all sorts of people on this planet. He never let his color be an issue with his achievements in golf thus becoming the greatest player in the history of golf.

 Wayne Gretsky the greatest player of hockey started competing at age six with teams consisting of 10 year old players; imagine the physical disparity not to mention experience. But as great as Wayne was it was never an issue to him, it never crossed his mind that he can't compete with these older kids. And truth be told he just plainly dominated them. Wayne became the best despite the fact that he didn’t have the physical attributes needed in the game of hockey. He is too skinny for a sport of nonstop contact and pain yet he accepted this challenge and became the best.

 Arnold Schwarzenegger is an all-time successful athlete, celebrity, entrepreneur and politician. During Arnold's time in the 70s the era of the hippies it was very uncommon to go to the gym and lift weights, if you remember all the athletes during this era and prior to this decade like M. Ali, A. Jabbar, R. Marciano, Joe Louis, W. Chamberlain, B. Russell, Babe Ruth, Olympians and all of the other athletes they just trained and practiced with their own sport. Arnold brought bodybuilding as a necessity to all athletic sport there is. He brought new limits to all athletes there is. Because of him a new age of modern super athletes arrived, athletes became more muscular, more conditioned and more explosive: Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Carl Lewis. Even actors became humungous stars started to lift weights and appear bigger than life on screen like Sly Stallone, heck even current stars like Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, Mark Wahlberg go to the gym and shape themselves up for movie roles.

 Back to Arnold, before all his success and influence on the whole world he had his share of naysayers he was told he will not be able to make it in Hollywood because of his accent. He was told his surname is too difficult to pronounce and with that he can't be a star and he just looks to different compared to other actors. But in Arnold's mind he has always believed that bodybuilding is his key to success in Hollywood, he was inspired by big figures such as rulers and leaders like kings and religious figures such as Jesus, Hitler, Caesar etc. At some point he knew that these figures were hated but was not stopped and he wanted to be like that. He tried and tried, he failed and failed but he never stopped preparing for success and when he saw his window that was it he became a movie star one of the biggest earners in Hollywood who most of the current action stars look up to as an inspiration. He became an entrepreneur, he became the governor of California one of the biggest states in America. Quite an accomplishment for someone who is not an American, correct? I thought so.

 So what do this ‘greatest’ people have in common, is it their physical attributes? Jordan was short in his varsity years before he had a growth spurt; Arnold was a skinny teen before his bodybuilding. Wayne is skinny as well Tiger is black, is it because they were rich heck no? It is their MIND!!! They believed their biggest muscle is their mind. They never feared failure, they knew in order to succeed one must fail and get up to try again. They found a way because they believed there is always one. They never listened to naysayers saying they can't do it instead they just used it to prove them wrong. When you are seeing no success no improvement never dwell on your failure. There is always two sides on things up and down, right and wrong, left and right, positive and negative. So never dwell on the negative because the positive is just around the corner. When you fail at something find out why and try to change it. Doing the same things over and over expecting the same result is borderline insanity. This is how Edison succeeded in creating the light bulb.

 So go ahead and fail, learn from it do something different and SUCCEED! No matter what the challenge is look at things with positivity. Think outside the box. Look at things differently. Success is around the corner because you have to realize like all the successful people you have the same weapon they have: Your MIND!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My story and motivation for you!

I am writing this guide or motivation article for several reasons number one being I just saw a one handed guy working out a few nights ago at my gym. Secondly I believe in order to be truly healthy I want to have people around me like my family, other love ones and friends to be healthy too.

A little background on my journey I have been actively working out and eating healthy since March of 2005, I can still remember the day I decided to workout. It was the first match of three of Pacquiao vs Morales the broadcaster which was RPN channel 9 at that time showed the weigh in before the fight. It was my first time seeing Pacquiao weigh in and it really shocked me how ripped he was, how no ounce of fat is visible. 

I was a former fatty and clueless on what’s healthy or not. I’d eat loads of unhealthy food, oily stuff and I don’t stop until I feel full. And I have no idea if this was bad or good, I just didn’t care because the food I eat makes me feel good albeit temporarily.

To summarize what my mind told me "If he can do it so can I!". I have these beliefs that if others can do it then so can I no matter what it is. I was also a realist that sometimes I am at an advantage or disadvantage in doing these things, one thing I know is there are different paths to the same goal depending on where we stand. Today we see great people, rich people, people with great bodies as they are, I see them as regular people who someway started from scratch especially people with great bodies and a healthy life they weren't born that way it took them hard work, dedication and a lot of trials and challenges along the way.

There is one advantage people like Pacquiao have clearly over me when he started and it is that success is his only choice from the very beginning, he is a the bottom of the mountain unlike me who is I believe in the middle of it. He had no choice but to climb up while I was complacent at the middle with two directions available up or down.

If we are in a disadvantage or in a dire situation the best thing to do is find the silver lining. We are all taught or at least who went to a few elementary grades of mathematical problem solving. There is always a way to solve something, always always gather the given, always list what you know and identify what really is the problem. With the given we can formulate our approach to the problem our solution to our problem. For example you want to be in better shape, what do you know about yourself, what do you eat? what's your schedule like? What time during the day can you work out? How much do you spend on your daily diet? What can you buy with the same amount that's a healthier option? What can you do to up your budget? What are your expertises you can capitalize on? And the questions and possibilities go on and on and you begin to see the SILVER LINING. You begin to see something you thought that was impossible to something really doable.

My journey to a healthier lifestyle took me years of trial and error, knowledge seeking and practice. I believe I am succeeding in this journey of healthy living as I really do inspire people about self-improvement. I believe that people who succeed in any journey is that they have their eyes on a goal, no matter what path they took right or wrong they know they will learn from it, they stumble they fall they get up. Truly successful people failed in some way or another along the way but their intestinal fortitude to see things to the end was the key. To not to give up and take failures as key lessons in life and the journey they are taking.

Yes I got a six pack and I am proud of it but to be honest with you I don’t have truly good genetics if I based them on how my parents look both of them are obese class 2 or 3 if that is possible. My late dad was 100lbs++ overweight and my mom is almost 100lbs overweight but I never for a second believed that this predetermined on how I'm going to look it motivated me instead to show people you know what I believe I can do this no matter what. Say that to yourself " I’m the best I can do this no matter what anything is possible", never listen to naysayers, negative people I know this is not entirely possible but if you do strive to prove them wrong. 

In your journey of a healthier lifestyle your best asset is a healthy mind and all else will follow. People who are successful have the same mindset; the first step you take is just to believe in the possibility of a greater you.

I will follow up on this post about practical things and specific workouts that can suit your personal goal. Feel free to comment and I will be glad to help you!