Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Real Subject We Need in School. My reaction to the RH Bill

The RH bill is such a hot topic right now in the Philippines but can it really have that much effect on this country as the majority of the people think it will? I am Pro-betterment to anything that this society really needs. I am by all means unqualified to say which is better for us all because all I know and understand about the people who oppose the bill is the punishment of all souls in the afterlife when this bill gets pushed talk about the centuries of Roman influence in the world, the empire might have been extinct but the influence is still there controlling the world and our so-called free-will.

RH bill tries to solve poverty by minimizing the population thus minimizing the costs; your income can fit your expenses, etc. etc. Will that really help this country???

Think about that question and answer before you proceed reading.

I have this thought about writing this because of something great I learned last week that I first heard of in my entire 26years of existence: "Your income is primarily determined by your philosophy not the economy". Something clicked in me why has this not been taught in school, pre-school, elementary, high school and college I bet you have never heard this in school in formal education. I continued searching and searching what is this philosophy, I watch the news listen to random people, all I hear is how the government isn't really doing anything to help the masses. What do the people really think? As I continued searching more on the positive side, successful people and motivational people and found the philosophy: "Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person, it is not something you pursue". The economy can't be changed by one person but one person can change his/her own philosophy. 

Seems deep thinking, I want to know more about it, I continued my journey to change myself to be the best I can be, its not about me becoming better than others but becoming better versus the current me. My search pointed me to T Harv Eker the author of the popular book Secrets of a Millionaire mind. He said that our mind is set to a particular level of success like a thermostat. Imagine an air conditioner set to a particular degree of temperature of 30 degrees inside your car. If it is really hot outside the temperature inside your car will become hot but somehow after sometime the thermostat will bring back the temperature to 30 degrees same situation when it’s colder outside, it will warm you inside back to 30 degrees. We all have this thermostat within ourselves.

We all have different thermostats in particular areas of our lives, maybe the best example to look at our financial thermostat have you ever noticed that no matter how many increases you have per year or per promotion after several months your savings stays the same? Add an additional source maybe a sideline job why is that your money stays the same? Give this thought sometime and think about it because it is scary very REAL!

So what is this thermostat really, what is it in our lives? Ask yourself who you are, are you content in your life, do you want more, what do you think about your physical body, what do you believe in, describe yourself and your wants, what are the things important to you, what are things that are not important to you, do you have those? Give it a few minutes and think about those things. 

Do you see its our own standards, Tony Robbins one of the best if not the best motivational coaches of our time said the strongest driving force inside us human beings is to maintain who and what we think we are. If you are a smoker have you ever tried to quit? And you quit after a few days or weeks and you suddenly you are back lighting a cigarette? I bet deep inside during the time you quit you really think you are a smoker and that is who you are. Yes or yes? Ever seen the biggest loser TV show about how some of the contestants who lost massive weight but found themselves fat again after a while? What do you think is their standard? Who do you think they believe they are? Ever heard if repeat criminals, who no matter how many times they get imprisoned get back to their wrong ways? Here is a popular common story, rags to riches to rags, how many lottery winners find themselves poor again after a year or 2 after they won hundreds of millions? How about riches to rags to riches, yes its true just look at Donald Trump how he lost it all and became even richer than ever. Here is a funny one, if you have more than one relationship in your life boyfriend/girlfriend wise, have you seen a pattern on what kind of person they are, what kind of person you attract in your life?

Our standards bring us the strongest fighting force inside ourselves to fight to maintain who and what we think we are. By now you should feel excited as I have felt when I found out about this. The change we really need is not found in the world we are living in, not the economy not the government not the politics but inside us because no matter what situation or season we are in our thermostat setting will pull us back where we should be. Think about what you wear during different seasons summer, rainy, winter, fall, spring if you are all over the world, we naturally change clothing according to the season to adapt to our comfort and maintain in that way until the season changes again. We all have it inside ourselves to change our standards, our thermostat. We should all aim higher no matter how hard you think your goals are if you aim it that way chances are you hit it or near it. Let us strive to aim high because if we aim low there is ZERO percent chance that we hit something higher than our target.

So how does this connect to the RH bill, simple the RIGHT EDUCATION. The government tries to pass the RH bill so the youth can learn about sex education and in my opinion if the students have sex education have a higher chance of learning and preventing something we don't want at all to happen versus if the youth don't have this education. Same thing with other subjects, we can't have mathematicians if we don’t have mathematics, we can't have engineers, scientists etc. if we don’t have science as a subject, no accountants if we don’t have accounting, and so on and so forth. What am I trying to say really, I am saying that the youth should have a mindset subject, this subject is so dangerous that if we teach this as early as pre-school this country will have the most millionaires and billionaires and heck maybe even trillionaires in the future. It should be a LAW to open the minds of the youth as early as we can to aim higher in life that is the most powerful thing that will pull us up. It will adjust our thermostat. It will make our standards high and maybe we will all be happy and living long altogether!

Now you might think not everybody will be rich and successful at the things we want when this is taught to us all yes that is correct! It is as correct as not everybody becomes scientists when they learn science, not everybody becomes pilots when they enter flight school, not everybody becomes businessmen in business school but it increases the chance we become one if we are AWARE!

We need to be aware of our thermostat because we have the POWER to adjust our life thermostat according to our dreams so it becomes goals and soon a REALITY!

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